
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths

Promoting excellence in ringing around the world

Society Peals

Card image cap
  1. Alan Regin 2332 (70 as C)
  2. Derek E Sibson 1776 (1554 as C)
  3. Simon J Davies 1317 (6 as C)
  4. E Jane Sibson 1211 (1 as C)
  5. Ian R Fielding 1203 (683 as C)
  6. Ian G Campbell 1185 (1 as C)
  7. Graham A Duke 1167 (160 as C)
  8. John P Loveless 1053 (487 as C)
  9. Richard M Hobbs 1027 (129 as C)
  10. Shirley E McGill 1008 (1 as C)
Card image cap
  1. Derek E Sibson 1554
  2. Ian R Fielding 683
  3. Stephen A Wheeler 530
  4. John P Loveless 487
  5. Roger Baldwin 274
  6. Jack E Page 251
  7. Ian Roulstone 229
  8. George Newson 227
  9. Graham A Duke 160
  10. Dennis Beresford 150
  1. Shoreditch, St Leonard 1010
  2. Spitalfields, Christ Church 231
  3. Westminster, St Martin in the Fields 120
  4. Watford, 15 Harford Drive 99
  5. Trumpington, St Mary & Michael 84
  6. Barton Seagrave, St Botolph 74
  7. Edmonton, All Saints 71
  8. West Ham, All Saints 63
  9. Highgate, St Anne 60
  10. Hackney, St John 51
  1. Spliced Surprise Major 1026
  2. Bristol Surprise Major 715
  3. Surprise Minor 359
  4. London Surprise Major 308
  5. Grandsire Triples 296
  6. Yorkshire Surprise Major 271
  7. Stedman Cinques 259
  8. Bristol Surprise Maximus 234
  9. Plain Bob Major 212
  10. Kent Treble Bob Major 205

Bethnal Green, Middlesex
St Matthew
Tuesday, 15 December 1801 in 3hrs 22mins (13)
5120 Oxford Treble Bob Major

  1. George Gross
  2. James Barnard
  3. Malachi Channon
  4. Peter Jones
  5. Samuel Cowling
  6. George Gross Jr (C)
  7. John Hints
  8. Anthony Lintott

Recorded as Union Bob, the former name of Oxford Treble Bob Major.

Peal No: 211

Southwark, Surrey
SS Saviour & Mary Overie
Monday, 22 March 1802 in 5hrs 30mins (48)
7104 Oxford Treble Bob Maximus

  1. George Gross
  2. George Gross Jr (C)
  3. Peter Jones
  4. James Nash
  5. William Shipway
  6. Thomas Reeves
  7. James Barnard
  8. Anthony Cavalier
  9. John Hints
  10. Malachi Channon
  11. William Stephens
  12. James Marlton
Peal No: 212

Islington, Middlesex
St Mary
Monday, 13 September 1802 in 3hrs 15mins (16)
5040 Single Cumberland Place Major
Composed by William Shipway

  1. George Gross
  2. Samuel Cowling
  3. William Jackson
  4. Thomas Harris
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. John Hints
  7. William Shipway (C)
  8. Thomas Salt

Recorded as Imperial Place Place Majo

Peal No: 213

Greenwich, Kent
St Alfege
Monday, 18 October 1802 in 4hrs 0mins (25)
6120 Treble Bob Royal

  1. Daniel Dale
  2. George Gross Jr (C)
  3. George Gross
  4. Peter Jones
  5. Anthony Cavalier
  6. William Herbert
  7. Samuel Cowling
  8. John Hints
  9. Samuel Wade
  10. James Marlton
Peal No: 214

Shoreditch, Middlesex
St Leonard
Saturday, 20 November 1802 in 3hrs 30mins (30)
5004 Imperial Place Caters
Composed by William Shipway

  1. James Barnard
  2. George Gross
  3. William Jackson
  4. Thomas Harris
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. John Hints
  7. Samuel Cowling
  8. William Shipway (C)
  9. Thomas Salt
  10. John Budd
Peal No: 215

Islington, Middlesex
St Mary
Monday, 27 December 1802 in 3hrs 48mins (16)
6128 Grandsire Major
Composed by William Shipway

  1. Richard Gander
  2. James Barnard
  3. Thomas Harris
  4. Thomas Freeth
  5. James Nash
  6. John Hints
  7. William Shipway (C)
  8. Richard Jaggers
Peal No: 216

City of London, Cheapside
St Mary le Bow
Monday, 3 January 1803 in 4hrs 7mins (50)
5200 Oxford Treble Bob Royal

  1. George Gross
  2. George Gross Jr
  3. Thomas Reeves
  4. William Herbert
  5. James Barnard
  6. John Hints
  7. John Wooden
  8. Anthony Cavalier
  9. William Stephens
  10. James Marlton
Peal No: 217

Shoreditch, Middlesex
St Leonard
Tuesday, 22 February 1803 in 3hrs 42mins (30)
5024 Oxford Treble Bob Major

  1. George Gross (C)
  2. Peter Jones
  3. Thomas Reeves
  4. James Jacobs
  5. Anthony Cavalier
  6. James Barnard
  7. Malachi Channon
  8. James Nash

Transcribe: On the 3rd of May this year Died Mr George Gross Senior who had served the Society as their Warner more than 20 years and by his abilities as composer and bob caller caused the fame of this Society to be extended through this Kingdoms; his composition in the Art are held in the highest estimation by all Admirers of the Exercise, but more especially his Production of Treble Bob, in which surpassed all of his contemporaries & which will ever remain a lasting monument of his skill. He was succeeded in the Office of Warner by his only son Mr George Gross

Peal No: 218

Hackney, Middlesex
St John
Monday, 5 December 1803 in 3hrs 32mins (26)
5040 Plain Bob Major
Composed by John Hints

  1. Samuel Cowling
  2. Thomas Reeves
  3. Thomas Harris
  4. James Jacobs
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. John Hints (C)
  7. James Barnard
  8. John Windsor
Peal No: 219

Spitalfields, Middlesex
Christ Church
Monday, 5 March 1804 in 4hrs 4mins (44)
5171 Grandsire Cinques

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. Anthony Cavalier
  3. Peter Jones
  4. James Nash
  5. William Beard
  6. Thomas Reeves
  7. James Barnard
  8. William Richardson
  9. James Stichbury
  10. Malachi Channon
  11. John Hints
  12. William McDonald

First peal rung on the Twelve Bells

Peal No: 220

Spitalfields, Middlesex
Christ Church
Saturday, 14 April 1804 in 5hrs 40mins (44)
7104 Oxford Treble Bob Maximus

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. Anthony Cavalier
  3. Peter Jones
  4. James Nash
  5. William Shipway
  6. Thomas Reeves
  7. John Hints
  8. William Richardson
  9. James Stichbury
  10. John Wooden
  11. William Stephens
  12. James Marlton
Peal No: 221

Chelmsford, Essex
SS Mary the Virgin, Peter & Cedd
Wednesday, 13 June 1804 in 3hrs 32mins (34)
5024 Treble Bob Major

  1. John Harris
  2. Anthony Cavalier
  3. George Gross Jr (C)
  4. William D Mathews
  5. James Polley
  6. Thomas Freeth
  7. Francis Baker
  8. Richard Hall
Peal No: 222

Shoreditch, Middlesex
St Leonard
Saturday, 17 November 1804 in 3hrs 35mins (30)
5039 Grandsire Caters
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. Malachi Channon
  2. Thomas Cox
  3. Daniel Dearing
  4. James Jacobs
  5. George Gross Jr (C)
  6. Peter Jones
  7. Thomas Freeth
  8. John Hints
  9. Robert Clifford
  10. William McDonald
Peal No: 223

Shoreditch, Middlesex
St Leonard
Tuesday, 26 February 1805 in 4hrs 12mins (30)
6129 Stedman Caters
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Shipway
  3. Samuel Cowling
  4. William Beard
  5. James Stichbury
  6. Peter Jones
  7. William Richardson
  8. John Hints
  9. Anthony Cavalier
  10. Philip Pilgrim
Peal No: 224

Waltham Abbey, Essex
Holy Cross & S Lawrence
Sunday, 20 July 1806 in 3hrs 16mins (19)
5056 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. John Hints
  3. James Nash
  4. Malachi Channon
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. James Stichbury
  7. William Shipway
  8. James Marlton

First peal on the bells

Peal No: 225

Spitalfields, Middlesex
Christ Church
Saturday, 20 December 1806 in 4hrs 55mins (44)
6334 Stedman Cinques
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. James Purser
  3. James Nash
  4. Peter Jones
  5. James Stichbury
  6. Edward Bartell
  7. William Shipway
  8. John Hints
  9. Thomas Freeth
  10. Anthony Cavalier
  11. William Stephens
  12. Philip Pilgrim
Peal No: 226

Stepney, Middlesex
St Dunstan
Monday, 9 March 1807 in 3hrs 43mins (28)
5057 Grandsire Caters
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. Anthony Cavalier
  2. George Gross Jr (C)
  3. Peter Jones
  4. James Nash
  5. William Shipway
  6. Thomas Reeves
  7. John Hints
  8. James Stichbury
  9. William Stephens
  10. Philip Pilgrim
Peal No: 227

Stepney, Middlesex
St Dunstan
Friday, 13 March 1807 in 3hrs 55mins (28)
5080 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. James Purser
  3. Peter Jones
  4. James Nash
  5. William Shipway
  6. Thomas Reeves
  7. John Hints
  8. James Stichbury
  9. Anthony Cavalier
  10. William Stephens
Peal No: 228

Edmonton, Middlesex
All Saints
Monday, 6 July 1807 in 3hrs 15mins (15)
5040 Plain Bob Major

  1. Anthony Cavalier (C)
  2. George Harris
  3. Daniel Dearing
  4. James Jacobs
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. James Nash
  7. James Stichbury
  8. John Hints
Peal No: 229

Shoreditch, Middlesex
St Leonard
Monday, 30 November 1807 in 4hrs 2mins (30)
5390 Grandsire Cinques

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Shipway
  3. James Nash
  4. James Stichbury
  5. Anthony Cavalier
  6. Peter Jones
  7. John Hints
  8. William Stephens
  9. Thomas Freeth
  10. James Purser
  11. Philip Pilgrim
  12. James Marlton

First peal on the Twelve Bells

Peal No: 230

City of London, Cheapside
St Mary le Bow
Tuesday, 8 March 1808 in 3hrs 54mins (50)
5049 Stedman Caters
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Shipway
  3. James Nash
  4. Richard Jaggers
  5. James Stichbury
  6. John Hints
  7. Thomas Freeth
  8. Anthony Cavalier
  9. William Stephens
  10. Philip Pilgrim
Peal No: 231

St Albans, Hertfordshire
St Peter
Monday, 4 July 1808 in 3hrs 31mins (22)
5040 Grandsire Caters
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. William Hall
  2. George Gross Jr (C)
  3. William Shipway
  4. James Nash
  5. Anthony Cavalier
  6. James Jacobs
  7. Thomas Freeth
  8. Richard Jaggers
  9. John Hints
  10. Philip Pilgrim
Peal No: 232

Holborn, Middlesex
St Giles in the Fields
Sunday, 13 November 1808 in 2hrs 55mins (14-0-16)
5040 Grandsire Triples
Composed by John Holt
10 parts

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Shipway
  3. Henry Warren
  4. John Hints
  5. Philip Everett
  6. William Everett
  7. James Sturros
  8. Philip Pilgrim
Peal No: 233

Hackney, Middlesex
St John
Tuesday, 7 February 1809 in 3hrs 16mins (26)
5040 Grandsire Triples
Composed by John Holt
10 parts

  1. William Hyman
  2. James Bates
  3. Thomas Freeth
  4. Thomas East
  5. William Shipway
  6. Edward Taylor (C)
  7. John Windsor
  8. Charles Earl
Peal No: 234

Islington, Middlesex
St Mary
Wednesday, 8 March 1809 in 3hrs 8mins (16)
5040 Grandsire Triples
Composed by John Holt
10 parts

  1. Thomas Harris Jr
  2. William Chapman
  3. William Hall
  4. Thomas Harris
  5. Richard Jaggers
  6. Thomas Freeth
  7. William Shipway (C)
  8. Thomas Smallpage
Peal No: 235

Greenwich, Kent
St Alfege
Thursday, 9 November 1809 in 3hrs 31mins (25)
5039 Grandsire Caters
Composed by William Shipway

  1. John Steven Reed
  2. Daniel Dale
  3. William Herbert
  4. Richard Mills
  5. William Shipway (C)
  6. Henry Warren
  7. James Stichbury
  8. Thomas Shackell
  9. Philip Pilgrim
  10. Thomas Smallpage
Peal No: 236

Shoreditch, Middlesex
St Leonard
Saturday, 9 December 1809 in 4hrs 33mins (30)
6000 Oxford Treble Bob Maximus
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. Anthony Cavalier
  3. James Nash
  4. William Shipway
  5. James Stichbury
  6. Peter Jones
  7. William Lee
  8. Richard Jaggers
  9. Thomas Freeth
  10. John Hints
  11. William Stephens
  12. Philip Pilgrim
Peal No: 237

Holborn, Middlesex
St Andrew
Monday, 19 February 1810 in 3hrs 22mins (26)
5040 Grandsire Triples

  1. John Hints
  2. George Gross Jr (C)
  3. Henry Warren
  4. William Shipway
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. Richard Jaggers
  7. Philip Pilgrim
  8. Thomas Smallpage
Peal No: 238

Harrow on the Hill, Middlesex
St Mary
Thursday, 26 April 1810 in 3hrs 8mins ()
5040 Grandsire Triples

  1. Daniel Pope
  2. Thomas Harris Jr
  3. Thomas Harris
  4. Thomas Freeth
  5. Philip Everett
  6. William Everett
  7. Daniel Pope Jr (C)
  8. William Halsey
Peal No: 239

Bethnal Green, Middlesex
St Matthew
Sunday, 10 February 1811 in 3hrs 18mins (13)
5248 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Hall
  3. Malachi Channon
  4. James Stichbury
  5. Henry Barnwell
  6. Peter Jones
  7. James Nash
  8. James Marlton
Peal No: 240

Romford, Essex
St Edward the Confessor
Monday, 18 February 1811 in 3hrs 26mins (15)
5248 Oxford Treble Bob Major

  1. William Hall
  2. George Gross Jr (C)
  3. William Shipway
  4. Peter Jones
  5. James Stichbury
  6. James Nash
  7. William Stephens
  8. James Marlton
Peal No: 241

Hackney, Middlesex
St John
Tuesday, 26 March 1811 in 3hrs 40mins (26)
5168 Plain Bob Major

  1. William Hall
  2. James Bates
  3. James Stichbury
  4. Thomas Freeth
  5. James Nash
  6. William Shipway (C)
  7. John Windsor
  8. Thomas East
Peal No: 242

Westminster, Middlesex
St Martin in the Fields
Saturday, 8 February 1812 in 4hrs 14mins (30-1-20)
5424 Treble Bob Maximus
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Hall
  3. James Nash
  4. Peter Jones
  5. William Shipway
  6. Anthony Cavalier
  7. John Hints
  8. William Shipway Jr
  9. Henry Symondson
  10. James Stichbury
  11. Thomas Ovendon
  12. Philip Pilgrim
Peal No: 243

Waltham Abbey, Essex
Holy Cross & S Lawrence
Saturday, 19 September 1812 in 3hrs 16mins (19)
5040 Grandsire Triples

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Hennerley
  3. James Hennerley
  4. James Nash
  5. Thomas Ovendon
  6. Thomas Freeth
  7. William Shipway
  8. William Woodbridge
Peal No: 244

Greenwich, Kent
St Alfege
Sunday, 1 November 1812 in 3hrs 29mins (25)
5219 Grandsire Caters

  1. William Smith
  2. James Marlton
  3. John Millbee
  4. Joseph Ambrose
  5. John Head
  6. Daniel Dale
  7. William Herbert
  8. Edward Taylor
  9. Samuel Wade (C)
  10. William Fell
Peal No: 245

Edmonton, Middlesex
All Saints
Monday, 23 November 1812 in 3hrs 25mins (15)
5040 Grandsire Triples

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Hennerley
  3. William Hall
  4. William Shipway
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. Charles Woodbridge
  7. William Woodbridge
  8. William Wright
Peal No: 246

Lewisham, Kent
St Mary
Sunday, 13 December 1812 in 3hrs 2mins (21)
5040 Grandsire Triples

  1. William Smith
  2. James Marlton
  3. Joseph Ambrose
  4. Samuel Wade
  5. William Herbert (C)
  6. Edward Taylor
  7. Daniel Dale
  8. William Fell
Peal No: 247

Bethnal Green, Middlesex
St Matthew
Monday, 28 December 1812 in 3hrs 45mins (13)
5856 Plain Bob Major
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Stephens
  3. William Hall
  4. James Marlton
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. Peter Jones
  7. William Fletcher
  8. James Nash

This peal contains as many courses as weeks in a year, as many leads as days in a year, and as many changes as hours in eight months.

Peal No: 248

Shoreditch, Middlesex
St Leonard
Saturday, 9 January 1813 in 3hrs 29mins (30)
5039 Grandsire Caters
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. John Steven Reed
  2. William Murklow
  3. John Millbee
  4. Thomas Freeth
  5. Peter Jones
  6. James Marlton
  7. William Herbert
  8. George Gross Jr (C)
  9. Samuel Wade
  10. William Fletcher
Peal No: 249

Greenwich, Kent
St Alfege
Sunday, 24 January 1813 in 3hrs 37mins (25)
5040 Plain Bob Royal
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. John Steven Reed
  2. George Gross Jr
  3. James Nash
  4. Joseph Ambrose
  5. James Polley
  6. William Herbert
  7. Thomas Freeth
  8. Daniel Dale
  9. Samuel Wade
  10. James Marlton

Society's 250th peal

Peal No: 250

Hackney, Middlesex
St John
Friday, 26 February 1813 in 4hrs 20mins (26)
6272 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Edward Taylor
Transcribe: The peal contains all the 8675 and 6785 that are to be obtained in the whole revolution of 40320 and is comprised in 56 courses with the 6th at home 48 times wrong, wright with two singles

  1. Isaiah Earl
  2. William Hall
  3. James Polley
  4. Thomas Freeth
  5. William Shipway
  6. Edward Taylor (C)
  7. John Windsor
  8. Thomas East
Peal No: 251

Bethnal Green, Middlesex
St Matthew
Monday, 12 April 1813 in 3hrs 15mins (13)
5024 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Composed by George Gross Jr

  1. George Gross Jr (C)
  2. William Stephens
  3. William Hall
  4. Peter Jones
  5. Thomas Freeth
  6. Francis Nay
  7. Malachi Channon
  8. James Nash
Peal No: 252

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